Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Other Side

Do you ever think about the humanity of the people around you? Are you ever surprised when reminded that they have thoughts, pains, hopes and dreams just as real as you?

A few days ago I was on the bus next to a young man with a backpack. Taking the cue I introduced myself and asked if he was going to school, he replied with the details telling me his name was Corey. I wanted to get to know him but I likewise didn't want to intrude. I continued reading my book when to my surprise a few minutes later he asked what I was reading. We talked all the way to my stop. Turns out I'm not the only one wanting to make a friend.

This morning I got on the bus and found myself next to one of the "talkers." That unique bus breed found at the front talking to the driver or anyone else around. I'd see him many times and was glad to get to meet Neville. Conversation was slow to start but we soon got rolling and I even found myself having significant truth and encouragement being spoken into my life. He's been going through a tough time and wanted me to know how the Lord has been faithful in it all. I had no idea of the depth in this man and am thankful to have it revealed in such a fun way.

Just because the bus is quiet doesn't mean you're the only one wanting to talk. May we all enjoy each others humanity in a new way today.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Goth Night

At the bus stop Sunday morning there were a couple guys complaining about how cold it was, but they were especially complaining about people from up north who like to insist that it's not cold in Texas. This went on for a few minutes until the bus arrived with their passion and frustration growing all the while. Usually the bus is fairly quiet without too much talking but occasionally you have a talker on board who doesn't mind having the entire bus in on his conversation. It was only fitting that this day there was a talker on board anouncing the fact that it wasn't cold outside, it was bus greatness.

I ended up talking with one of the "complainers" for a few minutes before he got off. Turns out he works at a club over in Deep Ellum and was on his way home after a long night. He was really proud of his club and it was neat to see. He told me lots of details and even pulled out his camera and showed me some photos of the place. He said they have a pretty regular crowd on Fridays for "goth night" and he invited me to come check it out sometime :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Story Can Now Be Told

As of last Wednesday the story can now someday be told to my children. They will now certainly hear of how their Dad used to walk to work UPHILL in the SNOW! May the legend grow.

When I got on the bus that day I met a lady named Debra. We talked about how great the snow was, the big soft flakes steadily drifting down. She then gave me a friendly lecture on my cold weather preparedness, "Your shoes are too thin!" She told me about how she doesn't like the heat and would gladly take the cold anyday. I shared with her my Mom's love of the cold and snow and how I thought they'd get along. Debra agreed, "Oh yeah, yer Mom and I get along real good."